Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Three months...

Charlie is now approaching his third month of life outside the womb. We are both loving me being at home full-time, well at least I am loving it! I feel so healthy; spiritually, physically and emotionally. I feel like we are all exactly where God desires us to be at this point in time. I am so thankful for the time I have to spend with the Lord each day. He humbles me daily.

What a blessing this new life is! I pray that Charlie somehow, is able to be in God's presence through my time with Him; to practice resting in God (Hebrews).

Charlie now weighs 12lbs 5 ounces and is 22 inches long. He is laughing and smiling often, with an occasional screaming cry when he is hungry. We are enjoying every moment and looking forward to what is ahead.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday nights...

So...being a new parent our Friday night entertainment looks slightly different than it did during our Pre-Charlie days. We still rent a funny movie, order pizza and eat Twizzlers for dessert, however our movie watching is now interrupted by the little man. It is not what you think though, we are not interrupted by the need for a diaper change or the need to calm his crying, we stop because he is happy and awake! We cannot help but give him every ounce of our attention when he is aware. We will do anything for a smile. Yes, he is smiling now! It is amazing what a high we get from just seeing him grin from ear to ear. Luke is constantly making up songs singing our life to him. I just like to chat with him in an incredibly high pitched voice, for some reason he loves this. We also enjoy reading and tummy time, oh we love our tummy time!

Life is so different now, different in a GREAT way!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Day to Remember...

Today is a special day for our little family, not only because Charlie is one month old today, but also because today is the birthday of my papaw and Charlie's namesake Charles Qualls. My papaw passed away before Charlie's arrival, however his presence and memory are still a part of our family. He was a great man of uncomplicated faith, stable and strong. We named our son after him to remind us of the power of great faith and great love.

So, it is with a huge smile and a heavy heart that we celebrate today; Charlie is one month and my papaw, Charles Qualls, is in the true and final rest with our Father in Heaven.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Road Trip!

Today Charlie, Luke and I traveled to Burnett for my Uncle David's 60th birthday party. Charlie did great, well really he slept most of the time in the car and was awake only a short time at the party. However, I was so proud of him because there were quite a few people there and lots of talking noise, he didn't seem bothered by it at all.

Overall this has been a great week for us. Charlie also slept for 6 hours the night before last. Thank you Lauren for your prayers, they were answered! I felt like a new woman with 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2 Week Check Up

Charlie had his 2 week check up today and he passed with flying colors. He has gained all of his birth weight back and then a little more, he now weighs in at 7 lbs. 4 ounces. Other than clogged tear ducts he is doing just fine, and even that is not really a concern.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Charlie's First Stroller Ride

We reached a milestone this morning for Charlie and for Mommy. Charlie went on his first stroller ride walk up the street and back, and Mommy was able to make it all the way down the street and back. We are very excited that Mommy is gaining strength daily and Charlie is able to sleep well in the stroller while we walk.

Quote of the day from this morning came from a lady jogger, "Are you walking a fresh one?"

Friday, April 30, 2010

Charlie's first two weeks...

So far Charlie and his family are doing great. We are learning feeding schedules, sleeping schedules and pooping schedules. Anytime I think "AHH this is so hard or frustrating" all I have to do is look at his face and it is all worth it!

We will keep you updated on little milestones in Charlie's life as we embark on our journey of parenthood. Your prayers are of the utmost importance.

Until next time...Luke, Mary and Charlie.