So...being a new parent our Friday night entertainment looks slightly different than it did during our Pre-Charlie days. We still rent a funny movie, order pizza and eat Twizzlers for dessert, however our movie watching is now interrupted by the little man. It is not what you think though, we are not interrupted by the need for a diaper change or the need to calm his crying, we stop because he is happy and awake! We cannot help but give him every ounce of our attention when he is aware. We will do anything for a smile. Yes, he is smiling now! It is amazing what a high we get from just seeing him grin from ear to ear. Luke is constantly making up songs singing our life to him. I just like to chat with him in an incredibly high pitched voice, for some reason he loves this. We also enjoy reading and tummy time, oh we love our tummy time!
Life is so different now, different in a GREAT way!
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